Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.


We provide two kinds of training services through a dedicated service, the Interact Academy. All the trainings we offer are bespoke for Interreg, and designed using adult-learning techniques.

We offer Certified trainings, which are in-depth, cohort-based trainings, taking place over a 4-to-8-week period, and requiring up to 20 hours to complete. 

Additionally, the Academy hosts Short courses, which are self-paced, interactive, online learning. 

Academy Calendar for 2025

Academy 2025

See the full calendar and get more information at


Certified trainings in the coming months

Interreg evaluation practitioners | Open for registration 

Deadline to register: 24 January

Start date: 24 January

Designed to provide participants with a solid understanding of evaluation tasks, the training offers hands-on experience, and the practical knowledge needed to complete evaluation tasks.

This course takes 20 hours, in February 2025. It is an online only training, with some mandatory elements at set times.

Interreg for beginners | Open for registration

Deadline to register: 07 February

Start date: 07 February

Designed to help you became familiar with Interreg, also known as European Territorial Cooperation, this training will take you through the history, evolution, and positive impact it has had on European regions.

This course takes 10 hours, in February 2025. It is an online only training, with some mandatory elements at set times.

Video making in Interreg | Open for registration 

Deadline to register: 07 February

Start date: 07 February

In-person element: 26-27 February, Alicante, Spain

This training is designed for Interreg experts who want to make high-quality videos to promote Interreg initiatives and results.

This course takes 15 hours, in February 2025. It includes a mandatory in-person element.

Interreg project management | Open for registration 

Deadline to register: 28 February

Start date: 07 March

In-person element: 25- 26 March , Lisbon Portugal

The training covers fundamental aspects of project management. It's therefore aimed at rather inexperienced colleagues who either started their work recently or have never experienced project management from the partner's point of view. 

This course takes 18 hours, in March 2025. It includes a mandatory in-person element.

Short courses available

There are curently six short courses in the Interact Academy, you can browse them in the catalogue

Novelties in Interreg VI revealed | Duration 7 hours

This course will give a complete, comprehensive and concise introduction to new elements in the regulatory package for the 2021-2027 period for Interreg programmes.

Interreg project characteristics | Duration 40 Minutes

Learn How the EU cohesion policy, Interreg's policy objectives, the 4 strands of Interreg programmes and the Interreg programmes in general relate to these core characteristics. As well as about the 4 core characteristics and how they translate into Interreg projects and What they mean in practice for project developers.

Introduction to designing presentations | Duration 45 minutes

Developing good presentation skills is as important as having the knowledge and expertise to do your job. Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your messages across. This course covers the basics of designing a presentation and how this can help you to communicate complex topics effectively.

How to lobby for your Interreg results? | Duration: 1.5 hours

In this course you will learn about the basics of lobbying at EU level, what it is and why do it. As well as who the main actors involved in that process are,  How EU decisions are made, how to lobby and which tools could be useful to you. You will also get practical advice and guidance on how to draft a lobbying strategy, as well as many useful links to help you through that process. 

Making your writing work | Duration 1 hour

This Plain Language course will show you how to write in a simpler, clearer and more direct style than you do today. 

Introduction to facilitation skills | Duration 45 minutes

We offer facilitation skills sessions at some of our trainings. This course has been developed as a preparation for the face-to-face trainings. It covers the basics of facilitation skills, and how they can help you achieve your objectives in teams.  

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