Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Soft skills

Working in Interreg requires a individuals to work in a fast paced environment, often having to learn new skills on the go.

In Interact we support continuous learning. We believe that working to stay up to date with technology helps us be more efficient, and that being skilled as well as knowledgeable enables us to achieve more.

Interact offers so-called soft skills learning, particularly through short courses in the Interact Academy, and through wider interventions in our events.

Where to start

You can immediately dive into three key skills for those working in Interreg, by accessing the Short Courses in the Interact Academy.

Our short courses offer quickly focused training in key subjects, including:

What we are working on

Interact is exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence tools (AI) in Interreg programmes. While its use in the sphere of communication has started growing, it can also offer practical support in other fields of programme management. 

An online webinar in June 2024 provided a structured overview of AI, IT, and Data Fundamentals in an accessible way. Click here to find out more about this event.


For more information please contact Jón Bergthorsson.

Additional resources

Webinar | AI Foundations

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