Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Interreg by Interact

Part of Interact's core tasks is to enable the collation of Interreg results and impacts, and to present the individual actions of programmes and projects in a more comprehensive way. Interreg by Interact is an identity used by Interact to represent the collated achievements of Interreg.

Several Interact projects work along this track, and more information about them will be added shortly.

Where to start

Interact developed the Harmonised Brand for Interreg, which forms the basis of Interact's work. Through the Interreg Cooperation Day campaign, the Interreg Slam and other activities Interact highlights the contribution of Interreg to improving the lives of Europeans.

Interact's policy networks also provide the basis for Interreg's actors and achievements to connect with wider policy actors in the EU, and beyond. 

Interact also maintains a database of every programme, project and partner of Interreg since the year 2000 in the database. 

What we are working on

Please see pages related to Interreg Cooperation Day, the Interreg Slam, and more to find out more about Interact's work.

Stories of European cooperation

Interact produces the 'Stories of European Cooperation' magazine, which features stories drafted by Interreg IVY volunteers (Interreg Volunteer Youth).

The complexity of European cooperation programmes makes it difficult to communicate the results achieved by initiatives undertaken jointly by various regions. However, there are thousands of cases of successful cooperation and they need to be told in a simple, understandable way. This is the reason why this publication was born and that's why these stories are written by IVY youngsters, who offer a fresh view about their experience in Interreg.

There are 2 issues per year, developed along a geographical area or a theme, and showing the impact of cooperation projects on people's daily lives. The editorial has been signed by MEP Younous Omarjee, DG Themis Christophidou (EAC), the MOT's President Christian Dupessey or DG Slawomir Tokarski (REGIO), among others.

Most recent editions

 Stories of European Cooperation | Interreg projects working on skills

 Stories of Cooperation 2024 | Interreg skills projects June edition

You can see all past editions in our library,

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