Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.


Partnerships are the foundations of Interreg. A strong partnership is vital to the success of a programme, and this page specifically looks at partnerships within the programme structure.

The Code of conduct for partnership sets out the basic principles and obligations for a wider partnership, which applies in Interreg as well as in wider EU funding. 

Interact promotes and takes forward interventions to explore partnership models in Interreg, and to strengthen partnerships between existing, and with new stakeholders.

Of course, cooperation projects also need partnerships to apply for funding. For project partnerships please see our Calls for proposals page.

Where to start

The Code of conduct for partnerships is the core document on this subject. The ways the partnership can work between programmes and civic society is also explored in a report, which looks at building partnerships to support the set-up and operation of the programme. 

What we are working on

The report on the engagement of civil society in Interreg was published early in 2024, it provides insights into how programmes currently engage citizens and civic society, and explores feasible approaches to strengthen this engagement.

The report was presented and explored in a session at the Interreg Knowledge Fair in March 2024.

An event on 10 June 2024 also explored alternative funding models in Interreg, such as crowd-funding. A report, presentations and video recording of the online event are all available.

Events in the autumn are planned to further explore this topic. An online webinar is planned to explore the various approaches being utilized to support project applicants and partners within Interreg. Another event will enable the exchange on the ongoing application of the partnership principle in 2021-27. 


For more information please contact Besiana Ninka.

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