Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Interact's website uses cookies to enhance your experience. The cookies power our analytics tool which helps us understand how users behave on our website. This includes device and software information (to inform testing), as well as which resources they access and similar information. This information helps us understand whether the website works the way we expect it to, and to respond where it does not.

Interact has selected the Matomo web analytics tool, which is GDPR compliant, does not sell-on or use users data for advertising or similar.  

On certain pages you may be asked to provide us with data directly through contact forms. You only need to provide data that as you consent to us having in order to operate these forms.

Please be aware, that in addition to our website, Interact provides services on other platforms. Each platform has a dedicated privacy statement covering the specific use-case on its own website. More information about this platform is available from the programmes responsible person, Mikis Moselt.

We use cookies and similar methods to analyse our website and whether it works the way it should. This data allows us to adapt and improve the website. The data is collected in accordance with GDPR. More information about this is available on our privacy page Interact | Privacy and Data Protection Policy