Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Geographic and strand networks

Interact supports cooperation all over Europe, and beyond. There are many networks supporting such cooperation, on the basis of geography, or on the basis of strands. You can find more information about each such network on the below-linked pages.

Atlantic Area

Interact supports collaboration among managing authorities within the Atlantic Region, a process led by the Interreg Atlantic Area programme.

Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea network facilitates cooperation in and around the Baltic Sea. This network is a front-runner for cooperation and synergies. 

Central and South East Europe

The Central and South East Europe Network facilitates cooperation in this part of Europe, and includes IPA and NEXT programmes working in this territory.  

Interregional Cooperation

The four Interregional programmes have a forum to exchange on the distinct challenges of Strand C. 


The MedLab group is a network for programmes working in the Medeterranian area. This network is a front-runner for cooperation and synergies. 

North West Europe

Interact facilitates the exchange of experience in North West Europe. 

Transnational Cooperation

Interact facilitates the exchange of information among transnational programmes, between the Heads, Communication officers as well as project officers.

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