Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Selection and assessment

Project selection is a defining moment, both for projects and for programmes. Within the Interreg narrative, we build a better Europe one project at a time. They are the fruits of cooperation, and once a project is selected, it will forever be a product of Interreg.

The focus in selection is ensuring that the best projects, offering good value for money are selected. The selected projects should ensure the programme meets its objectives as defined in the programme document. 

One of the most important aspects of selection is a fair and transparent process, to ensure the avoidance of conflicts of interest and complaints.

Following a report from the European Court of Auditors, this subject has become a particular focus for Interreg.

Where to start

The fact sheet and briefing note on the project selection process outlines the basic steps in the process of selecting projects. It also focuses on the key challenges facing programmes within these stages. 

For conflicts of interest, a Commission Guidance paper sets out the most important aspects.

The fact sheet on complaints sets out the legal requirements, as well as options on how to respond to complaints.

What we are working on

Interact is facilitating exchange between programmes in particular on value for money in the project life cycle, interested programmes are invited to contact Besiana.

Also, a certified training on project assessment, monitoring and verification is under development. It is mainly for Project and/or Finance Officers at the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authorities of Interreg programmes with less experience who work directly in the specific topics.


For more information please contact Robert Mazurkiewicz.

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