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Declaration by young people on the future of territorial cooperation


20 January 25 2 minutes read

On November 15 2024, 100 young people came together in Brussels during the “Youth for Future Cooperation – On the road to Interreg GO!” event. Here they discussed and shared their perspective on the future of territorial cooperation beyond 2027. The result of this is the Declaration by young people on the future of territorial cooperation. This declaration contains seven recommendations and actions to implement these. There are four overarching main issues stressed in the declaration:

·         Integrating and empowering border regions: Creating a more connected and inclusive approach to border regions in areas such as transport, education and labour markets.

·         Breaking down barriers: Fostering cooperation and making it easier for people and businesses to work together across borders.

·         Involving everyone: Engaging diverse stakeholders, including young people and underrepresented communities.

·         Mainstreaming youth: Prioritising the inclusion of young people in all policy objectives, increasing education and communication efforts.


The declaration will serve as a key reference for the European Commission in the drafting of the Interreg Regulations for the post-2027 cohesion policy. You can read more here and you can find the declaration here

Read Time: 2 minutes

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