Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.


Despite the overarching rules in Common Provisions Regulation and detailed costs catalogues provided by the Interreg Regulation, the eligibility of expenditure still raises some questions.

So, if you are searching for an answer to some eligibility riddle or would like to check Interreg practices, you may find this section useful. The constantly growing experience of Interreg programmes in deciphering the regulatory framework accompanied by a growing number of practical examples of what is eligible or what is not, may serve as a beacon in the eligibility maze.

Understanding what can be claimed, and under which cost category, can be sometimes a challenge for even the most experienced Interreg experts.

Where to start

Starting with each individual fact sheet, created in the HIT process, gives a good overview of each cost category, its legal basis and the way basic elements should be handed.

A more detailed approach is set out in the Matrix of costs excel sheet, which should be checked against programme-own practices.

What we are working on

During the year, we will publish a Q&A on Eligibility of expenditure in 2021-2027, replacing a document covering the 2014-2020 period. 

Meetings of our financial networks will also explore this topic. For more information on our networks, visit our networks page.


For more information please contact Jasmina Lukic.

Exchange Community

Interact offers an online space for those exchange on questions of eligibility in Interreg, where information and experiences can be shared. If you would like to learn more about this, please contact Jasmina Lukic.

If you are already a member of the Community, you can access it here.

Additional resources

Matrix of costs

HIT Factsheets package:

The factsheets cover the following topics:  

  • Staff costs
  • Office and administrative costs
  • Travel and accommodation costs
  • External expertise and services costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Costs for infrastructure and works
  • Intervention logic

Factsheet on technical assistance

Factsheet on Fixed percentage staff cost calculation method for staff working part-time on a project 

Q&A 55 Questions and Answers – eligibility of expenditure in cooperation programmes

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