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The accounts refer to the bookkeeping records and underlying calculations of the programme payments. They include both the payments from Commission to the programme, and the programme payments to projects. The accounting years last from July 1st to June 30th (of the following year). 

Where to start

Similarly, as in 2014-2020 the accounts is one of the four elements of the assurance package (the accounts, management declaration, annual audit opinion and annual control report) and the practice of closing the accounts with every accounting year remains in 2021-2027. The accounts should be drawn for each accounting year and should include at the level of each priority and, where applicable, by fund, the total and public eligible amount, the amounts withdrawn (irregularities), the amounts of public contribution paid to the financial instruments, State aid advances, and reconciliation of amounts.

The accounts are preprepared by the body in charge of the accounting function (MA/BAF) and then audited by the Audit Authority (AA). As the accounts are a substantial part of the assurance package, they must be submitted by the responsible body to the EC by 15 February following the end of the accounting year concerned.

What we are working on

Next meeting for Bodies carrying out Accounting Function and Certifying Authorities takes place in April 2024. Relevant topics are also discussed in the Community. 


For more information please contact Przemyslaw Kniaziuk.

Exchange Community

Interact offers an online space for those working with Financial programme management to share information and exchange. If you would like to learn more about this, please contact Przemyslaw Kniaziuk.

If you are already a member of the Community, you can access it here.

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