Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Cooperation actions: How to bring down barriers to build sustainable partnerships among EU IJG Goal Managing Authorities

Cooperation actions

We are delighted to announce our first two-day workshop dedicated to Managing authorities under the Investment for Jobs and Growth goal (i.e. mainstream programmes) and the possibility to carry out cooperation actions and projects in partnership with entities all around Europe (Reg. EU No. 2021/1060 Art. 22 3 d) vi). 

We are reuniting to present and discuss different ways how to bring down barriers to build sustainable partnerships across Europe. As we face the increasingly complex challenges of today's economic and social landscape, fostering collaboration among regions becomes crucial. This workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and foster collaboration among programme officers. During this two-day workshop, we will share practical tools and techniques, with a particular focus on setting up mechanisms for cooperation action, discussing practical challenges related to cooperation action planning, implementation and partner identification. 

We will also facilitate the matchmaking process through a dedicated session on partner search. In order to better shape the topics of cooperation and partnership, we kindly ask you to fill in the registration form and inform us of your interests. 

The event is intended towards Managing Authorities of national or regional programmes of the Investment for Jobs and Growth goal with the intention to start building-up active cooperation action partnerships in 2024 and 2025, and proceed with their implementation in 2025. 

You can find more details in the agenda available here. In addition, we share with your possible acommodations that you might check when organizing your trip here.


Start at: 02 July 2024 09:30

End at: 03 July 2024 01:00

End at: 03 July 2024 01:00


Palermo, Italy


The registration for the workshop is open until 28.06.2024 (extended). 

If you are new to Interact services, please take this step first and create a user account here before proceeding to the registration.  During the registration process, please put "Other" in the field "Programme" and type the name of your programme in the field "Other programme".

Register Here


Ilze  Ciganska

Ilze Ciganska

Service delivery

Atlantic area

+358 50 3964891

Stoyan  Kanatov

Stoyan Kanatov

Service delivery

Cooperation actions, Interreg Slam, Support for IJG

+34 630 085 604


The registration for the workshop is open until 28.06.2024 (extended). 

If you are new to Interact services, please take this step first and create a user account here before proceeding to the registration.  During the registration process, please put "Other" in the field "Programme" and type the name of your programme in the field "Other programme".

Register Here


Start at: 02 July 2024 09:30

End at: 03 July 2024 01:00

End at: 03 July 2024 01:00


Palermo, Italy


The registration for the workshop is open until 28.06.2024 (extended). 

If you are new to Interact services, please take this step first and create a user account here before proceeding to the registration.  During the registration process, please put "Other" in the field "Programme" and type the name of your programme in the field "Other programme".

Register Here


Ilze  Ciganska

Ilze Ciganska

Service delivery

Atlantic area

+358 50 3964891

Stoyan  Kanatov

Stoyan Kanatov

Service delivery

Cooperation actions, Interreg Slam, Support for IJG

+34 630 085 604