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Registration to the Interreg Knowledge Fair has now closed

Interreg Knowledge Fair

27 April 23 3 min read

Interact is delighted that more than 200 people registered to attend the Interreg Knowledge Fair, meaning the event is now fully subscribed.

Over 2 and half days, Interact is bringing together more Interreg colleagues than it has ever done so before. This will be a unique opportunity to exchange with programmes from all over Europe, and to participate in more than 30 sessions. 

Those approved to attend should have access to Whova, where they are able to register to these individual sessions. If you are an approved attendee, but do not have access to Whova, please get in touch with us on

Registration to 'full' session within Whova is possible, and informs us on which are the most interesting sessions. An updated agenda will be published around 5 May, finalising the offer over the 2 and a half days.

The conference style approach of the Knowledge Fair is a pilot for Interact, and feedback will be collected on the event, informing a decision about whether or not to repeat the offer in 2024.

Read Time: 3 min